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(4.25) What if I am worried about keeping track of everything that happens at my IPP meeting?

(4.25) What if I am worried about keeping track of everything that happens at my IPP meeting?

Here are things you can do to keep track of what happens:

  • Bring someone with you to help take notes and help you follow what is going on.
  • Prepare before the meeting (See IPP Meeting Planner in Supplement I).
  • Ask the regional center to bring an easel with large sheets of paper, markers, and masking tape. Ask someone to write notes on the large sheets of paper and tape the sheets of paper to the wall so everyone can see the notes of the meeting.
  • If you have assessments or reports that will help you get the services you are requesting, bring copies to your meeting.

Also, at the end of the meeting, the regional center must give you a list of services and supports you both agreed to in the meeting.[1]Section 4646(g) The list must say:

  • when services may start,
  • how often you will have the services and how long they will last, and
  • the provider of services (if known).

You or your representative would need to sign the list of agreed-upon services and supports before they start. The regional center needs to give you these either in writing or electronically. The list must also be in your native language. If you disagree with services at the IPP meeting, you can delay getting the list of supports and services until you agree. The regional center must hold another IPP meeting within 15 days (or later, if you want), to reach a final agreement. At that time, the regional center has to give you a list of supports and services in your native language. [2]Section 4646(h)

1 Section 4646(g)
2 Section 4646(h)