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(4.66) Does the regional center have to make my IPP work?

(4.66) Does the regional center have to make my IPP work?

The regional center must do things to make your IPP work, including:

  • Getting the services and supports identified in your IPP. This is true if the services come from the regional center, or someone paid by the regional center to provide them, or the services are provided by generic agencies or natural supports. (Be specific about what services and supports you want and need.)[1]Sections 4648(a) and 4646.5(a)(5).
  • Advocating for your legal, civil, and service rights to make sure you get the services listed in your IPP.[2]Sections 4648(b) and 4512(b). (See Question 47.)
  • Identifying and building a Circle of Support for you.[3]Section 4648(c).
  • Ensuring the quality of the services you receive.[4]Section 4648(d). Developing new programs, if what you need does not exist or is not available now.[5]Section 4648(e).

1 Sections 4648(a) and 4646.5(a)(5).
2 Sections 4648(b) and 4512(b).
3 Section 4648(c).
4 Section 4648(d).
5 Section 4648(e).