It depends on the type of IPP meeting. It could be the first IPP meeting, a meeting to review the IPP and your progress, or a special meeting to change the IPP between regular meetings. No matter the type of meeting, most start by reviewing information. Assessment information is helpful:
- to develop an IPP or to review progress toward your goals,
- to decide whether to add or change services to help you reach your goals, and
- to include new goals because you have reached those that are in your current IPP.
After assessments, the team may discuss what goals should be in your IPP. Next, talk about services and supports to help you to reach your new or revised goals. The discussion should include agreeing on the services you need, how often you will get them, and when they will start. The discussion must also say who is responsible to provide those services.
The provider may be the regional center or a provider the regional center pays. Or it may be another local, state, or federal program or agency that is responsible. The regional center’s role would then be to make sure you start getting the services from that other program or agency.[1]Sections 4646 and 4646.5.
↑1 | Sections 4646 and 4646.5. |