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(4.6) Does the regional center have to plan and develop the IPP in my native language?

(4.6) Does the regional center have to plan and develop the IPP in my native language?

Yes. The regional center must communicate with you (or your family where appropriate) in your native or preferred language while planning and developing the IPP and at the IPP meeting itself. [1]Section 4646(j). The regional center may avoid doing so only if DDS has determined that communicating with you in your native language is an undue hardship.

For example, if you normally speak or prefer Vietnamese, the regional center must communicate with you in Vietnamese to plan and develop your IPP and during your IPP meeting. [2]Section 4646(j)(1). Ways the regional center can do this include using a regional center employee who speaks your language or interpreter, giving you written materials in your native language, and providing alternative communication services. [3]Section 4646(j)(1-2)

1 Section 4646(j).
2 Section 4646(j)(1)
3 Section 4646(j)(1-2)