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(4.10) Who makes the IPP?

(4.10) Who makes the IPP?

The planning team makes your IPP. The planning team includes:

  • You
  • Your parents if you are a minor child
  • Your conservator or authorized representative, if you have one and you are an adult
  • One or more people from the regional center, including your service coordinator
  • Anyone you invite, such as a service provider.[1]Section 4512(j). If you live in a Developmental Center, staff from the Developmental Center will also be at the meeting. Section 4418.3(c)

The IPP meeting should be cooperative. Your team works together to find ways for you to achieve your goals and dreams. You get to say what your hopes, dreams, and challenges are. And the regional center brings its experience and knowledge of the services and supports available to help you.

1 Section 4512(j). If you live in a Developmental Center, staff from the Developmental Center will also be at the meeting. Section 4418.3(c)