This worksheet can help you plan for your IPP Meeting. Use it to help you think about what you want. You should talk about all the things you want during your IPP meeting.
Where to Live
Where do you want to live?
- Stay where I am
- My parent’s place
- My own place
- With a foster family (Adult Family Home Agency)
- A group home
- Supported living
- Independent Living
- My own place with roommates
- Other place
What services do you need to help you live where you want?
- More training
- Help with managing my money
- An attendant or roommate
- Help finding a place to live
- Someone to give me regular support and help
- Help with shopping, cooking, and/or cleaning
- Being safe
- Other service
Working and School
Where do you want to work or go to school?
- Stay where I am working now
- Stay where I am going to school now
- Different school or job
- Get a competitive, integrated job (at least minimum wage and with non-disabled people)
- Other ideas?
What kind of work or school do you want to do?
- Paid work
- Volunteer work – what interests you?
- Other type of work
- College
- Adult education classes
- Other type of school
What services do you need to help with working or going to school?
- Help updating my resume
- Help applying for a job
- A job coach or aide at the job
- A tutor or note taker
- Training on or off a job location
- Access to workplace or class (like a ramp)
- Transportation
- Other services or supports
Having Fun
What do you want to do in your free time?
- Visit friends
- Exercise
- Shop
- Go to movies or plays
- Volunteer work
- Play sports
- Listen to music
- Watch TV
- Reading
- Hobby
- Dating
- Join a self-advocacy group or People First
- Help advocate for other people
- Other activity
What services do you need to help you do things you want to do?
- Training
- Attendant
- Facilitator
- Transportation
- Circle of friends
- Supplies or equipment
- Other services or supports
Medical and Health
What medical or health services do you need?
- Doctor
- Counseling
- Dentist
- Medication
- Sex education (safe sex, birth control)
- Nutrition and diet
- Exercise
- Other health services
What other support do you need to access medical or health services?
- Training
- Attendant
- Someone to ask questions
- An advocate or lawyer
- Facilitator
- Other supports
Other Things
What other things do you want help with?
- Cooking
- Transportation
- Shopping
- Cleaning my place
- Meeting more people and making friends
- Dating
- Learning about sexual relationships and safe sex
- Getting along better with people
- Self-advocacy and knowing my rights
- Problems with Social Security, SSI, or other benefits
- Self-defense
- Being on committees or a Board of Directors
- Learn about self-determination
- Other help
What other services do you need?
- Training
- Attendant
- Someone to ask questions
- Help setting up a circle of friends
- An advocate or lawyer
- Mentor
- Facilitator
- Other services