Maybe. You need to report your earned income if you are receiving certain benefits. If you get Social Security or Medi-Cal benefits, ask your habilitation or supported employment programs for help with benefits planning. The money you make may affect your benefits. Talk to your service coordinator or a public benefits planner before you begin working to talk about important benefits like Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Social Security Disability Income (SSDI), Medi-Cal, Medicare, other health coverage, Section 8 housing, In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS), or food programs. Plan ahead so you do not lose your benefits.
For example, you can ask the regional center for help with qualifying for Social Security benefits based on your parent’s work history. You may need help from the regional center or your supported employment or habilitation program to document any work subsidy or special conditions. This is important if your earnings are above the Social Security Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA) level, but should be offset by a subsidy or special conditions, so you will not lose (or not be able to get) these benefits.