If you are a special education student, the regional center will expect you to use the services offered by your local school district until you are 22, unless you have received a diploma or certificate of completion. Regional centers cannot purchase these services for you if you are 18-22, in special education, and have not received a diploma or certificate of completion:
- day programs
- vocational education
- work services
- independent living programs, and
- mobility training and related transportation.[1]Section 4648.55(a).
However, the regional center may purchase these services if you meet any of the exceptions or exemptions below. You can get these services if:
- The IPP team determines that your needs cannot be met by the educational system;
- Your IPP team decides that the generic resources available to you through your school district are not appropriate to meet your needs (the “extraordinary circumstances” exception); or
- You are in a paid internship program, or you are in a competitive, integrated job that is an outcome of a paid internship.[2]Section 4648.55(a)&(d).
If you are in a paid internship or competitive integrated employment, you can also continue to receive school services (if the services continue to meet your needs).[3]Section 4648.55(d)(1). Paid internship programs provided by regional centers must meet these criteria:
- Payment to a person participating in a paid internship must not exceed $10,400 per year.
- Paid internships must be in a competitive, integrated work setting.
- Internships must help the person to develop skills to get paid employment.
- Regional centers must increase awareness of the opportunity for people to participate in paid internship programs through specific outreach and at IPP meetings.[4]Section 4870.