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(9.34) What restrictions are there on transportation services from regional centers?

(9.34) What restrictions are there on transportation services from regional centers?

Regional centers cannot pay for private, specialized transportation for adults who can safely use available public transportation.[1]Section 4648.35(a). If a regional center has been paying for private, specialized transportation for you to and from a day program or work, they must develop a transportation access plan if you can safely use public transportation and it is available.[2]Section 4646.5(a)(7)(A). But the plan must include the services and supports you need to help you use public transportation.[3]Section 4646.5(a)(7)(B).

Whether the regional center pays for private transportation or the supports you need to access public transportation, it can only pay for the least expensive service that meets your needs.[4]Sections 4646.5(a)(7)(B) and 4648.35(b)&(c).

Also, the law says regional centers cannot purchase mobility training and related transportation services if you can get these services from your school district. You could get them from school if you are 18 to 22 years old, are eligible for special education and related services, and have not received a diploma or certificate of completion yet.[5]Section 4648.55(a).

1 Section 4648.35(a).
2 Section 4646.5(a)(7)(A).
3 Section 4646.5(a)(7)(B).
4 Sections 4646.5(a)(7)(B) and 4648.35(b)&(c).
5 Section 4648.55(a).