Integrated work usually means you work in the community and interact with people without disabilities (not including your service providers). You should work with people with and without disabilities, as most employees do.[1]Section 4851(o).
Competitive Employment and Supported Employment are integrated work (see above for more information).[2]Section 4851(n). The main difference is that you do not get services and supports for Competitive Employment. But, employers must make “reasonable accommodations” so you can work.
If your IPP and Individual Habilitation Support Plan (IHSP) list services and supports you need beyond the accommodations your employer makes, the regional center must provide those services.[3]Section 4861. The regional center pays for these services and supports as “habilitation services” or “vocational rehabilitation services.” Usually, case managers and providers talk about “supported employment” or “work activity centers.” They do not call them “habilitation services.” There are a lot of big words used to describe different programs. Just focus on what type of job or program you want and ask for that in your IPP.