Once you decide what sorts of things you want to do in your community, contact your regional center and ask for an Individual Program Plan (IPP) meeting. You must use the IPP process to discuss and identify services and supports to meet your work, community, and leisure activity interests. You can wait for your next regularly scheduled IPP. Or, you can request an IPP meeting, and the regional center must hold your IPP meeting within 30 days after you ask for it.[1]Section 4646.5(b)
You can bring anyone to the IPP meeting to help you. If you have a job coach, you can invite your job coach to the IPP meeting or ask the regional center to do so. You do not need to explain why you want someone to be at your IPP meeting. People who care about you are a big help at your IPP meeting. They understand what you like and do not like. They can give information about your life goals and things that can get in the way of you reaching your goals.
At the meeting, discuss your interests, what you want, and the supports you need. Talk about everything you need and want in your IPP. If you want to work and participate in activities with people without disabilities, talk about this at your IPP meeting. If you want day services, work, or other activities that are integrated into the community, talk about what is stopping you from reaching these goals and what you need to reach them. Your assessment and planning process should focus on how to do that.
Sometimes the problem is there are no programs or activity supports in your area. If your IPP includes services and supports that allow you to participate in integrated work or activities, your IPP team must make a plan to find or develop those services. Your IPP can include the supports you need to participate in your community and help you develop natural supports, such as friends, clubs, or community programs.
The regional center must provide services based on your wants and needs.[2]Sections 4512(b), 4646 and 4646.5. But, your services and supports must be cost-effective and the regional center must purchase services from the least costly provider that still meets your needs as identified in your IPP.[3]Section 4648(a)(6)(D). If the regional center tells you the services, work, or other daytime activities you want are not available, ask them to develop more choices.