Parents should know about parts of the Lanterman Act about services children with disabilities often need.
Transportation Services
For a minor child living with his or her family, the regional center will pay for transportation only when the family cannot provide transportation. If you need the regional center to pay for transportation, provide written information, such as a brief letter, to the regional center explaining why.[1]Section 4648.35(d).
The regional center may pay for diapers for children with developmental disabilities three years and older. A regional center may pay for diapers for children under three years old if a family can show it is necessary for the child to continue living at home.[2]Section 4685(c)(7).
Behavioral Services and ABA
Behavioral services or ABA (Applied Behavioral Analysis) are sometimes funded by regional centers. The law requires you to use Medi-Cal, private insurance, and school funding for behavioral services before the regional center will pay. Talk with your service coordinator about how to get behavioral services for your child from Medi-Cal, private insurance, school, or the regional center. See Disability Rights California’s publication Access to ABA Therapy.