To be a family member vendor, you must:
- Be a family member
- Not be the direct provider of the respite services yourself
- Make sure any respite worker you hire is 18 years old, unless they are currently providing respite and are within 90 days of turning 18
- Make sure that any respite worker you hire has the skills, training, or education needed to provide respite for your child, knows your child’s routines needs, and is trained in any special supports necessary[1]Title 17 Cal. Code Regs. section 54355(g)(4).
- Complete the Home and Community-Based Services Provider Agreement[2]Title 17 Cal. Code Regs. section 54310(g).
- Use the Respite Services Billing Form DS 1811 to submit requests for reimbursement.[3]Title 17 Cal. Code Regs. section 54355(b)(4). You (as family member vendor) and the respite worker must sign the form
- Keep records, including:
- dates and times of respite services (start and end times)
- address where the service was provided, and
- date of birth, social security number,[4]If a worker does not have a social security number, the vendor can accept a copy of any document that the federal government accepts to prove identity and employment eligibility. The family member … Continue reading address and phone number of the respite worker[5]Title 17 Cal. Code Regs. section 50604(d)(3)(D)&(E). (also on billing Form DS 1811).
- Keep records of respite services for five years.[6]Title 17 Cal. Code Regs. section 54355(b)(3). The regional center can audit family member vendors. If you do not have the required records, you may have to pay the regional center back.
↑1 | Title 17 Cal. Code Regs. section 54355(g)(4). |
↑2 | Title 17 Cal. Code Regs. section 54310(g). |
↑3 | Title 17 Cal. Code Regs. section 54355(b)(4). |
↑4 | If a worker does not have a social security number, the vendor can accept a copy of any document that the federal government accepts to prove identity and employment eligibility. The family member vendor must compare the copy to the original. And the worker must declare under penalty of perjury that the copy is true and correct. |
↑5 | Title 17 Cal. Code Regs. section 50604(d)(3)(D)&(E). |
↑6 | Title 17 Cal. Code Regs. section 54355(b)(3). |