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(6.34) Can a regional center or another agency help pay for the costs of daycare for a child with a developmental disability?

(6.34) Can a regional center or another agency help pay for the costs of daycare for a child with a developmental disability?

If daycare for your child with disabilities costs more than daycare for children without disabilities, the regional center can pay the difference.[1]Section 4685(c)(6).

Even if you don’t qualify for day care from your regional center, there are day care subsidies that can help. Ask your local childcare resource and referral agency for help. To find the agency that helps people in your county, contact the California Child Care Resource Network at or call (800) 543-7793.

If your child is under 18 and does not get full-scope Medi-Cal, you may have to pay part of the cost of daycare as part of the Family Cost Participation Program. For more about this, see Question 41.

1 Section 4685(c)(6).