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(6.7) How do natural supports work as a generic resource?

(6.7) How do natural supports work as a generic resource?

Natural supports are people like family members, friends, students, coworkers, and other community-made relationships already in a child’s life that can help them meet IPP goals.[1]Sections 4512(e) and 4646.5(a)(5). Natural supports for children are typically parents and family who can help them. The family support services that regional centers provide are supposed to recognize and build on the natural supports children have in their lives.[2]Section 4685(b)(3). To expand the availability of services, regional centers may use natural supports.[3]Section 4648(e)(3). In developing a child’s IPP, the regional center service coordinator will explore the child’s natural supports who are able and willing to provide some IPP services. A regional center will likely consider a child’s parents to naturally provide services and supports similar to those the parents would provide for a child of the same age without a disability.[4]Section 4646.4(a)(4).

1 Sections 4512(e) and 4646.5(a)(5).
2 Section 4685(b)(3).
3 Section 4648(e)(3).
4 Section 4646.4(a)(4).