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(6.1) What does the Lanterman Act say about services that help children live at home with their families?

(6.1) What does the Lanterman Act say about services that help children live at home with their families?

The Lanterman Act says that helping children under 18 stay in their family home is a high priority. The Lanterman Act recognizes that most children under 18 have more chances for educational and social growth if they live with their families. The law says it is important to develop and expand services for families with children with developmental disabilities.[1]Section 4685(a).

The law says that regional centers must use “creative and innovative ways” to meet the family’s needs so the child can live at home.[2]Sections 4685(c)(2) and 4648(a)(2) and (10). The law also says it is important to respect and support the family’s decisions.[3]Section 4685(b)(1). Regional centers must consider every possible way to help families keep their children at home, if living at home is best for the child, before considering options where the child would leave the family home. [4]Section 4685(c)(2). If the regional center finds out that out-of-home placement is being considered by a family, it must promptly meet with the child’s family to figure out how to keep the family together.[5]Section 4685(c)(2).

1 Section 4685(a).
2 Sections 4685(c)(2) and 4648(a)(2) and (10).
3 Section 4685(b)(1).
4 Section 4685(c)(2).
5 Section 4685(c)(2).