For disagreements with service providers (vendors), you have complaint options. Service providers, like day programs and group homes, cannot get money from the state unless they have a written internal grievance procedure. Ask the service provider for a copy of its grievance procedure to file a grievance.
If you have a problem with a licensed service provider or facility, complain to the licensing agency. The licensing agency inspects and licenses health care facilities to make sure they follow state and federal laws and regulations to protect the health, safety, and personal rights of the people in licensed facilities. The Department of Health Care Services licenses most health care service providers and facilities. The Department of Social Services licenses most community and residential care providers. Each agency has its own complaint procedures. Ask the agency that licenses your service provider for a copy of its complaint procedure for the area where you live. The service provider can tell you who licenses the facility. You can ask an advocate for help with a complaint.
You can also file a 4731 Complaint against a regional center vendor. You file the complaint to the regional center executive director. Tell the director you are complaining about a vendor, and why.