The State Council on Developmental Disabilities (SCDD) is an independent state agency. It makes sure that people with developmental disabilities get the services and supports they need.
There are 31 voting members of the SCDD appointed by the governor. 20 of the members must be nonagency members who reflect the socioeconomic, geographic, disability, racial, ethnic, and language diversity of California.
- 7 of these 20 must be persons with developmental disabilities
- 7 must be parents, relatives, guardians, or conservators of persons with developmental disabilities
- 1 must be a person with a developmental disability who is a current or former resident of an institution, or her/her immediate relative, guardian, or conservator.[1]Section 4521.
Agency members of the SCDD include people who work for disability-related private or public agencies, such as DRC, DDS, the Department of Education, and the Department of Rehabilitation. To advocate for the rights of people with developmental disabilities, ask to be appointed to the SCDD.
SCDD creates and monitors the state plan for services for regional center clients. The purpose of the state plan is to make sure there is a good system of community services. They make sure the system is directed by and centered on consumers and families. And it should make sure people with developmental disabilities to have self-determination, independence, productivity, and integration into all areas of community life.[2]Section 4562(c). The state plan finds areas that need improvement and services that need to be increased for people with developmental disabilities and their families.
Every 5 years, the SCDD prepares a “needs assessment.” This is available to the public and updated every year. The SCDD asks all regional centers about the services and supports they are missing and what new, expanded, or converted services and supports they need. The SCDD shows new and different ways to deliver services to meet the needs of regional center clients. The SCDD can use information from other sources, including public hearings.[3]Sections 4520, 4521, 4540, 4561, 4675, 4676 and 4677.
The SCDD talks with DDS to recommend to the Department of Finance funding for developing new programs in the Governor’s budget based on the needs assessment.[4]Section 4677(b)(6). Contact:
State Council on Developmental Disabilities
3831 North Freeway Blvd., No. 125
Sacramento, CA 95834
Toll Free (833) 818-9886 or (916) 263-7919