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(5.25) Can I get a facilitator through the regional center to help me advocate for myself or participate on boards or at meetings?

(5.25) Can I get a facilitator through the regional center to help me advocate for myself or participate on boards or at meetings?

Yes. The regional center can pay for self-advocacy training, facilitation, and “peer advocates” if they are included in your IPP.[1]Section 4512(b). Facilitation means giving you materials or equipment, or helping you make and express your choices and decisions.[2]Section 4512(g). If a friend or relative cannot help you, the regional center can pay for a facilitator.[3]Section 4512(b).  If your IPP includes support from a facilitator, you can choose the facilitator.[4]Section 4648(a)(12).

1 Section 4512(b).
2 Section 4512(g).
3 Section 4512(b).
4 Section 4648(a)(12).