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(8.23) Can someone in the DC help me?

(8.23) Can someone in the DC help me?

Yes. The State Council on Developmental Disabilities provides clients’ rights advocacy services to people in Porterville Developmental Center and Canyon Springs.[1]Section 4433.5.

The CRA can:

  • Tell you about your legal rights, including your right to assessments and an IPP to identify the services and supports you need to return to the community,
  • Help you with administrative and legal solutions, and
  • Advocate for you while you are placed there.

The DC also has a Volunteer Advocacy Assistance Program. A volunteer advocate can help represent you at your IPP and when you want to move into the community.[2]Section 4548(d); see also Volunteer Advocacy Services at:

1 Section 4433.5.
2 Section 4548(d); see also Volunteer Advocacy Services at: