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(8.2) Can I get services to help me be part of the community?

(8.2) Can I get services to help me be part of the community?

Yes. Everyone has the right to live in and get services in the least restrictive, most integrated setting, based on their needs and choices.[1]Sections 4688 and 4688.21. Community integration services can help you be involved in your community and live somewhere other than in an institution.[2]Section 4688.05.

You can get community integration services no matter where you live. For example, if you live in a group home with other people, community integration services might help you to move into a more integrated setting. This could be supported living[3]Section 4689., a family teaching home[4]Section 4689.1., or living with your family.

“Behavioral services may help you live in the community. Some people call behavioral services, “ABA.” ABA is Applied Behavioral Analysis. These services may help you learn ways to live better in your current placement. They can help you get along better with others. They can help you learn new behaviors to live in a different place. If you are interested in behavior services, talk to your regional center service coordinator. Also, see Disability Rights California’s publication called, “Access to ABA Therapy” found here:

1 Sections 4688 and 4688.21.
2 Section 4688.05.
3 Section 4689.
4 Section 4689.1.