If you believe your regional center, developmental center, or a service provider has violated your rights, you can file a Section 4731 complaint to ask them to stop violating your rights (and the rights of others). If you are the regional center consumer, you can file this yourself. Or, someone can file this on your behalf. See Chapter 10 for more information about this complaint process.
To file a complaint, you can:
- Fill out the English complaint form at: https://www.dds.ca.gov/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/DS255.pdf
- Fill out the Spanish complaint form at: https://www.dds.ca.gov/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/DS255_SP.pdf, or
- Write a letter using the instructions below.
How to Write a Section 4731 Complaint
Use the text below as a guide. Be sure to complete the letter with your own personal information in the underlined areas in the brackets.
[Today’s Date]
Executive Director, [Regional Center name]
[Write the regional center’s address here. You can find the Regional Center Directors and Addresses here: https://www.dds.ca.gov/rc/listings/]
Dear Director:
This is a “WIC Section 4731 complaint” about a pattern and practice that violates rights under the Lanterman Act. This complaint is on behalf of [write your name or the consumer’s name here], and all other regional center consumers in a similar situation.
[Consumer’s name, just say “I” if you are writing for yourself] is a [age] year old with a [describe the type of disability] disability. [Describe the services and supports you or the consumer receives now.]
I am having a problem with [Write name of regional center, developmental center, or service provider (vendor)].
[Write the problem. It could be the regional center violated the right to have an IPP in your native language or your right to make choices in your own life. It could also be a complaint that a policy or practice violates the consumer’s rights. For example, are the services you receive based on a policy instead of on your individual needs? It could be a problem with a service provider violating your right to have visitors or participate in exercise and recreation. These are just examples. Write your problem here]
[Explain how your complaint can be settled. Write what you want to happen to fix this.]
Please investigate this complaint and respond to me within 20 business days. If you have any questions, you may contact me at the number listed below.
[Your name – or the name of the person writing on behalf of the consumer]
[Your address and phone number – or the address and phone number of the person writing on behalf of the consumer]