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(1.8) Does anyone make sure that services and supports people need are available to them in their communities?

(1.8) Does anyone make sure that services and supports people need are available to them in their communities?

Every five years, the State Council on Developmental Disabilities does a “needs assessment” which looks at the kinds and amounts of services and supports needed, but not currently available. The needs assessment must report on the need for new or better community services and supports. The assessment must look at how any gaps in available services affect consumers in certain groups. The groups include people with a certain disability, age, ethnicity, challenge, or area. It must also highlight alternative and innovative service delivery models to address consumer needs. The needs assessment must be updated every year.[1]Section 4677.

The State Council’s needs assessment is based on information provided by all regional centers. It may also include information from:

  • Public hearings
  • National Core Indicators assessments (required under Section 4571)[2]A Quality Assurance System has been developed to collect information regarding consumer and family satisfaction, provision of services, and personal outcomes. DDS awarded this contract to the Human … Continue reading
  • Regional center reports on alternative service delivery submitted to DDS as required by Section 4669.2(c)
  • Reports from regional centers on types and amounts of services and supports needed, but not available (required by Section 4677(b)(1))
  • Annual reports on self-directed services (required by Section 4685.7(v))

These assessments and reports are included in the Council’s state plan and sent to DDS and the Legislature. The Council consults with DDS and recommends funding to the Department of Finance. The funding is for the Governor’s Budget for program development based on the assessment.[3]Section 4677(b)(6). These documents are available to the public. A special fund (the Developmental Disabilities Program Development Fund), provides resources to start new programs and expand or convert existing programs.[4]*Section 4677. Money for the fund comes from fees collected from families whose children are placed outside the home.[5]Section 4784. The fund supports programs that have integrated services for where people live, work, play, learn, socialize, and volunteer. These activities should increase the self-determination and independence of persons with developmental disabilities.[6]Section 4677(a). This follows the approved priorities for program development in the Council’s State Plan.

1 Section 4677.
2 A Quality Assurance System has been developed to collect information regarding consumer and family satisfaction, provision of services, and personal outcomes. DDS awarded this contract to the Human Services Research Institute (HSRI). HSRI administers the National Core Indicators (NCI) assessment to regional center consumers. This helps compare California services information to information collected in other states.
3 Section 4677(b)(6).
4 *Section 4677.
5 Section 4784.
6 Section 4677(a).