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(1.5) Who can receive services and supports under the Lanterman Act?

(1.5) Who can receive services and supports under the Lanterman Act?

Four groups of people can get services under the Lanterman Act:

  1. People who meet the Lanterman Act definition of developmental disability.[1]Section 4512(a) and (l). These are people who have a substantial disability because of their cerebral palsy, epilepsy, autism, mental retardation, and other conditions closely related to mental retardation or that require similar treatment. A “substantial disability” is discussed at length in Chapter Two of this manual.
  2. People who are at high risk of parenting a baby with a developmental disability. Parents and infants in this group may receive assessment services and preventive services.[2]Sections 4642 and 4644.
  3. Infants under age 3 and at high risk of becoming developmentally disabled. Parents and infants in this group may receive assessment services and preventive services. [3]Sections 4642 and 4644.
  4. Children who are age 3 or 4 and may be “provisionally eligible.” This means they don’t qualify as having a “developmental disability.” But, with provisional eligibility, they can get full regional center services while they are 3- and 4-years-old. [4]Sec. 4512(a)(2) See Chapter Two for more on regional center eligibility.

People in the second and third categories above may receive assessment services and preventive services.

1 Section 4512(a) and (l).
2 Sections 4642 and 4644.
3 Sections 4642 and 4644.
4 Sec. 4512(a)(2)